Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A little about me, my blog, and why I'm here...

        I have been debating on starting a blog for awhile now and so I have finally decided to give it a try! It still needs some work so bear with me. I want this to be an "all things attachment parenting" blog. I will be posting things concerning gentle parenting - including my shortcomings (there are many) because no one is perfect and I think we all need reminded of that occasionally. And lets face it - this parenting thing is a trial and error process...we live, we learn, and we do better next time! One part of AP I am particularly found of is babywearing and so I plan to post many things related to babywearing as well as my own personal reviews - in fact, my next post will be a review of the Manduca soft structure carrier and stretchy wrap so stay tuned for that!

       I think that covers what the content of this blog will be - now onto who I am! First up, the blog name: Toddlers n' Tattoos...it may change, I'm not sure yet. I wanted a name that reflects the content of the blog but also who I am as a person. I am in many parenting groups and I see a recurring element that saddens me - stereotypes. I see the stereotype that if you are tattooed, have weird hair, wear clothes other than "mom" clothes, etc. you couldn't possibly be a good parent - let alone a gentle parent. As many of you may already know this is completely absurd. I aim to help break this stereotype and I wanted the blog name to reflect that. If you have any ideas for a different name please let me know! I welcome opinions!

      Onto me personally; I grew up a country girl, helping out on my grandparents farm and helping my Pap repair anything that needed repair. I spent most of my life outdoors climbing, riding bikes, skateboards, scooters and a couple times a mountain board that sent me to the ER. I was a complete tomboy and wouldn't change that for anything. I played trumpet in the band and some of my fondest memories - as well as where I met my husband - are from marching band. It is also where I fell in love with the technical aspect of things...I found that, while I loved playing in the band, what I really loved was being backstage and helping with all of the technical aspects - especially lighting. With the help of an awesome teacher/mentor Mr. Jeremy Buhite I realized I wanted to go to school for Technical Theatre. In college I met some of the most amazing people and professors who helped me every step of the way and forged some great friendships with fellow techs and actors. I found I loved set design and painting and I focused on that throughout college. I've always had a passion for woodworking and I spent many hours in the scene shop building sets for the upcoming shows. I won an award for one of my scenic designs and I had the amazing opportunity of going to the Kennedy Center in DC to study with the very talented Skip Mercer for a week. I graduated Summa Cum Laude which brings me to my post-college self...

      My daughter Alaina was born towards the end of my senior year in college and the three of us lived in a tiny little one bedroom second floor apartment right across from campus. In the fall my then-fiance took a job back home and we moved to where we live currently...still a small apartment. We were married on St. Patrick's Day the following year, a week before our daughter turned one. Two years later we welcomed our son Liam to the family. My husband is a wonderful musician who's main love is piano and so my family is blessed with the presence of music every day of our lives. Because I still needed a creative outlet I started a small "business" - more like a hobby - doing custom painting and sewing...I paint mainly gDiapers and baby shirts and sew baby toys/teethers/lovies/blankets - whatever I am in the mood to do at the time! You can actually check me out on Facebook if you want - Paint Spatter Designs is my shop name. As you may have guessed we feel very strongly for the arts in our home and believe it is a vital part of education.  As much as I love the theatre and want to be apart of that again I can't imagine not being home with my kids. I love watching them learn new things everyday and I can't imagine missing any moment of it - even on the most challenging parenting days. I try to live naturally - I like to make a lot of our household products and I keep adding to the list of store bought things I want to replace with natural safe alternatives. I believe in gentle parenting and teaching children through love and empathy and I do my best to lead them by example. We are a bed-sharing, breast feeding, baby wearing, anti-vax, anti-circ, try-to-be-green family and love it!

     Thank you for stopping by! And stay tuned for my review of the Manduca soft structured carrier as well as their stretchy wrap!
My wonderful little family! *photo courtesy of TG Photography*

Some of my tattoos...they all have their own special meaning
My DIY wrap
My favorite wrap and fun carry!
Ah, the Inda Jani - an under rated wrap for sure!

The only person who has been with me every step of the way on this crazy adventure called parenting! *Photo courtesy of Eileen Romero Photography*

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